UC Santa Barbara OSPO


UC Santa Barbara is one of the six campus partners in the UC Network of Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs) focussed on supporting developers and users of Open Source through the discovery and indexing of UC developed Open Source; development of educational materials, curricula and best practices guidelines; and services and guides in support of Open Source sustainability.


UC Santa Barbara has an established history in open source software development and community OSS contribution, in addition to leadership in open science principles and practices. Expertise is distributed across the campus community and OSS development extends from small exploratory research projects, to established community adopted systems, to administrative infrastructure and more. Additionally, UCSB as a community invests significantly in community developed open tools and systems for the benefit of the campus and broader communities.

How is UCSB supporting the local OSS community?#

At present, UCSB does not have a dedicated OSPO. Through the collaborative Alfred. P Sloan Foundation grant, we will be able to conduct landscape analysis on the state of OSS at UCSB to better inform future services and resources, develop a cross-campus open-source community of practitioners and users, and make available the opportunities, materials, and services developed in collaboration with UC partners. These activities will be coordinated through the UCSB Library as a cross-domain center for scholarship and information literacy.

What would an OSPO at UCSB look like?#

We foresee an OSPO advising on open source licenses, fostering community engagement, and promoting best practices for creating and utilizing sustainable open source technology. By facilitating collaboration and innovation, our OSPO would help our campus to leverage the full potential of open source. We are still defining what our OSPO would be and are interested in hearing your perspectives on how an OSPO could serve your needs. We encourage you to get in touch!

Get connected#

We are excited to build community among the UCSB population of Open Source practitioners. To stay informed about campus initiatives, learn more about the UC OSPO network, or to support us in the development of a UCSB OSPO, reach out to us.


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